- Log-MODE
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Logistic Movement optimization Delivery Engagement (Log-MODE)
Log-MODE is a
universal program designed to control all stages of delivery and field services
operations. The service allows to perform a wide range of tasks in logistics
and delivery – transportation arrangements, transport processes optimization
and cost saving.
Log-MODE comprises a web-version for
dispatchers and a mobile application for driver. Web-version ensures effective operating
procedures to create trips, order placement, planning and distribution, Google
Maps-based routing, delivery process monitoring and coordination. Log-MODE
mobile app is designed for drivers to easily manage to deliver products to
specified locations.
Log-MODE used
bigdata platform to create delivery schedule dynamic, based on the inelegancy
options on urgent need basis, low fright charges, return fleet and availability
of truck and driver timings.
Log-MODE have following features.
Driver can see his delivery location and Route map in his
mobile Manager Can see all movements in his Dashboard
Dynamic Trip creation by Manager:
Manager can change the schedule trips based on circumstances.
Request & Approvals
Approval process was
implemented for the requests made by drivers like fuel, delivery problems,
vehicle problems.
So many verities of
reports was developed to analysis the business daily
reports, operational reports and master reports